Wednesday, December 23, 2009

What is the best type of steak to use for making beef jerkey?

I just bought a new dehydrator and i want to make beef jerkey. what is the best type of meat to use. the booklet says to cut as much fat off as i can, but doesn't state what kind of beef to use.What is the best type of steak to use for making beef jerkey?
I 've had great success using flank steak. You want to stay away from any ';fatty'; cuts, as this is what causes spoilage in the finished product. By fatty I mean sirloin,brisket,chuck, anything that is heavily Marbled or otherwise requires cooking for a long time at low heat.What is the best type of steak to use for making beef jerkey?
top sirlon
I use London Broil
I prefer top sirloin or round steak. It is lean and easy to slice, especially if partially frozen. In my opinion ground dried meat is not even remotely like jerky, even if it is smoked.

I have a jerky gun and I mix 1/2 game (elk or antelope) and 1/2 93% lean ground round. (The mix is because the game is soooo lean it doesn't want to go through the gun. The bit of fat from the ground round also helps to keep the jerky from drying out during the dehydration process.)

I have found this to be the most economical way to make jerky.
The best. Briskett is the best choice out west. And next is london broil. But briskett has better flavor and easier to slice for jerky.

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