Friday, January 8, 2010

How long does it take for the Accutane to start making your face clear?

I have been on accutane for 10 days and my face has gotten all red and dry. Also, I am breaking out much more than normal and my lips are extremely chapped, I hate this! So, when does it finally start to turn around? Anytime soon? What can I use to make this period less painful? Today I bought some Eucerin Redness Relief Moisturizer and Cleanser, maybe that will help? Thanks in advance.How long does it take for the Accutane to start making your face clear?
basically what is happening is the Accutane is cleaning out your pours, everything that was under your skin is all coming out at once. Same thing that happened to me, it was bad! Don't worry, keep with it and give it another 2-4wks, you'll start seeing progress. Try Aquifor for your dry lips, it's a miracle worker.How long does it take for the Accutane to start making your face clear?
i was wondering, did accutane end up clearing your skin? Report Abuse

Put straight Vaseline on your lips non stop, especially at night. The results will start to show in about another month or so. I don't know how bad your condition was to begin with but you are definitely going through the difficult time right now. Stick with it though, it really does work!
call your dermatologist and report your side effects and get advice.
Maybe it's too strong. Call the doctor who perscribed it and tell them what is happening.

Maybe it is getting out all the toxins (acne) and in another week is should start getting better.

10 days seems like it should have been long enough to show some results. Call the nurse line or your doctor to find out. Also you could read the precautions on the bottle for any side affects. YOu haven't been out in the sun have you?????

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